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New Barn SChool


Our school provides places for up to 90 young people. It is non-denominational and has a secular ethos but respects the cultural needs and religious beliefs of all.

Admission Criteria

  • 7-19 years of age
  • All genders
  • Academically able students with a primary diagnosis of ASC and associated needs including anxiety, social communication difficulties and sensory processing difficulties

To view our admissions policy, please see our policies page.

Admissions Process

  • At New Barn School, the referrals and admissions team is comprised of members of the senior leadership team, head office and the therapeutic team.  These staff members review each case in stages ensuring firstly that the primary need of the child is autism.  Once this has been established, the educational needs are reviewed in depth using the EHCP and other relevant documents and then discussed with the therapists we have in school (SALT, ELSA, OT, Music and Art). If we can meet the needs of the child using the specialisms available in the school, further discussions will take place to begin the admissions procedure.  Admission to New Barn School is subject to the successful completion of a taster period, further discussion with the tutor and teachers involved and finally, ratification by the SLT.  The headteacher, following the recommendations by the admissions team, will make a final decision on any appeals that may be lodged by families whose initial application has been unsuccessful.  This a proven and robust process which ensures that appropriate placements are offered at the school.

Equal Opportunities And The Values Of The School

The school is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all young people, staff and others who come into contact with the school regardless of race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability. Everyone visiting, working or learning in the school should feel welcome, secure and confident at all times. They should feel valued and able to participate fully in the life of the school.