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New Barn SChool

Safeguarding Home

Roles and Responsibilities 

Proprietor: Treehouse Educare Limited

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Rachel Hunter


Safeguarding Coordinator: 

Tanya Jane Watson


Deputy Safeguarding Leads

Hayley Donavan


James Bathgate (Tuesday to Friday)


James Cook-Young


Director responsible for Safeguarding: Declan McCarthy


The Childs Wishes 

Where there is a safeguarding concern the Governing Body and school leaders will ensure that the child’s wishes and feelings are taken into account when determining what action to take and what services to provide. Systems will be in place for children to express their views and give feedback.

The Governing Body will ensure that staff members do not agree confidentiality and always act in the best interests of the child. 

Local Authority Contact Details


Designated Officers: Miriam Williams, Donna Tomlinson, Victoria Williams

Tel: 01403 229900         Email: LADO@westsussex.gov.uk

 The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) has overall responsibility for the management of allegations of abuse by adults who work with or volunteer with children.

– The LADO provides advice, in the form of consultation and specific guidance, liaising with Children’s Services, the Police and other regulatory bodies such as OFSTED and the Department for Education as needed in order to ensure a consistently fair and thorough process for both adult and child;
– The LADO manages individual cases and monitors the progress of cases for timeliness, thoroughness and fairness.


Make a referral to Children Services