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New Barn SChool


Ofsted Reports

We Are Very Proud To Announce That Our Most Recent OFSTED Report Was Graded GOOD In All Areas.

Our Latest OFSTED Report

Please click here to view the results from our October 2022 OFSTED report.

Quotes From The October 2022 report

What is it like to attend this school?

"This is a school where expectations are high, but where pupils feel confident that they can 'go at my own pace'

"Inspectors found that teachers work hard to pitch learning at the right level for all"

"When pupils struggle, staff recognise the signs quickly. They are also skilled at refocusing pupils when a lack of confidence and self-belief hinder learning" 

"Students shared that they feel free from any form of bullying because there are lots of 'eyes', as as well as 'people who truly listen' at this school"

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

“Teachers know pupils well.  They plan learning that takes into account pupils' varying individual needs.  Lessons that are taught to different pupil groups are delivered in subtly different way to ensure that they engage successfully with the subject matter.  Support staff are also used effectively"

"Inspectors witnessed staff in all phases of the school responding well to the 'here and now', including when pupils needed further support or clarification."

What does the school need to improve

"Reading and the love of books and the written word are not as developed as might be expected"


Standard Inspection Reports

18th October 2022

15th May 2018

Additional Inspection Reports:

1st of February 2022

29th September 2020

20th August 2019

If you have any questions about the school please feel free to contact us.