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New Barn SChool

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence

At New Barn School we define Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence as:

Any bullying behaviour, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person’s sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality or gender is used as a weapon by boys or girls. It can be carried out to a person’s face, behind their back, or by the use of technology. Some examples of sexual harassment and sexual violence include:

  • Using words that refer to someone’s sexuality as a general put-down (like calling something ‘gay’ to mean that it is isn’t very good)
  • Using sexual words to put someone down (like calling them a slut)
  • Making threats or jokes about serious and frightening subjects like rape
  • Gossiping and spreading rumours about someone’s sexuality and sex life – including the use of graffiti
  • Touching someone in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable
  • Touching parts of someone’s body that they don’t want you to touch
  • Forcing someone to act in a sexual way

The response to the reporting of such acts will be believed, taken seriously and treated sensitively in line with the schools Safeguarding Policy and procedures. Perpetrators of such incidents, will be dealt with in accordance with the positive behavior policy. All pupils will be provided with a systematic age appropriate SRE and PSHCE programme alongside a school community with a zero tolerance of acts of sexual harassment and sexual violence.