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New Barn SChool


Careers at New Barn School

At New Barn School we are fully committed to providing a stable careers programme through a combination of outstanding teaching, personalised careers guidance, and a range of work experience opportunities. All pupils are offered careers lessons as part of their curriculum through our ‘Learning for Life’ lessons (PSHCE) and from Year 9 begin to get external career guidance from Mark Anderson from KickStart Careers Coaching and from Year 10 through to Sixth Form, one to one guidance is received, with bespoke action plans created.

We are continually seeking additional opportunities to inspire our pupils in the world of work. If you think you could help in any way, please contact us.




Meeting Local Employers and Training Providers

New Barn School is committed to providing pupils with regular opportunities to meet local employers and training providers.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a key measure of the effectiveness of careers advice and are central to the Government’s Careers strategy. To ensure our pupils receive the highest quality of careers guidance, we work towards meeting all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks, in line with DfE expectations.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

A Stable Careers Programme

Learning from Career and Labour Market Information

Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil

Linking Curriculum Learning to Carers

Encounters with Employers and Employees

Experience of Work Places

Encounters with Further Education

Personal Guidance


The Careers Programme

At New Barn School, pupils from primary-age, through to leaving at the end of Key Stage 4, or even on into Post-16 if they stay with us, have access to a wide and varied Careers Programme. Please expand the menus below to see how our programme supports each age-group of pupils:

Primary Pupils 

Learning for Life lessons

Primary students have a ‘Careers Week’ which consists of visits from local employers, including emergency/public services, and an aspirational ‘dress up day’.

Pupils in Years 7 & 8 

Learning for Life lessons, preparation for work units covered through the LFL curriculum.

Workshops from visiting speakers

Visits to local employers

‘Careers Week’ visits from local employers including emergency/public services 

Pupils in Year 9 

Learning for Life lessons, preparation for work units covered through the LFL curriculum.

Termly Year 9 group meetings with our external careers advisor

Workshops from visiting speakers.

Visits to local employers.

‘Careers Week’ culminating in ‘Careers Open Morning’, attended by local employers/training providers, offering further information.

Options Evening and the opportunity to meet with a careers advisor.

Pupils in Year 10 

Learning for Life lessons, preparation for work units covered through the LFL curriculum.

Individual termly meetings with the Careers Advisor.

Workshops from visiting speakers.

 ‘Careers Week’ culminating in ‘Careers Open Morning’, attended by local employers/training providers, offering further information and the opportunity for informal interviews.

Volunteering opportunities in local area.

Visits to local colleges and FE centres 

Visits to local employers 

KS4 Parents Evening and the opportunity to meet with representatives from local training providers/colleges

Pupils in Year 11 

Learning for Life lessons, preparation for work units covered through the LFL curriculum.

Individual termly meetings with the Careers Advisor.

Workshops from visiting speakers.

 ‘Careers Week’ culminating in ‘Careers Open Morning’, attended by local employers/training providers, offering further information and the opportunity for informal interviews.

Visits to local colleges and FE centres 

Visits to local employers 

Work experience placements

KS4 Parents Evening and the opportunity to meet with representatives from local training providers/colleges.

One to one support for interviews in preparation for college or work placements

Visits from local training provider representatives, to support post-16 course application forms.

One-to-one support at initial visits and Learning Support interviews at prospective colleges, where required.

Pupils in Sixth Form 

Learning for Life lessons, preparation for work units covered through the LFL curriculum.

Citizenship forming part of the Sixth Form curriculum 

Individual termly meetings with the Careers Advisor.

Workshops from visiting speakers.

Visits to local employers and training providers.

Work experience placements.

Visits to local colleges and FE centres 

Visits to local employers 

Visits to career fairs 

Visits to local companies and businesses.


Destination Data 

At New Barn School, we analyse our destination data and ensure that all of our leavers access Education, Employment or Training. We also collate information of our students’ destinations and forward onto the local borough for continued tracking.

Useful Links

Our Careers Programme will be reviewed annually. Please click on the menu below to expand and view our links to useful websites.

Useful Links

westsussex.gov.uk: Support for young people in West Sussex

aspiresussex.org.uk: Aspire Sussex works in partnership with the National Careers Service to provide impartial, confidential and one-to-one advice for all students.

surreycc.gov.uk: Careers advice for young people in Surrey

nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk: Job profiles, planning tools and CV builder

fasttomato.com: Matches personality and interests to possible careers

icould.com: Videos, stories, news and articles, includes ‘The Buzz Test’ a personality based career matching tool

allaboutschoolleavers.co.uk: Information aimed at 16-24 year olds

apprenticeships.gov.uk: The National Apprenticeship service

plotr.co.uk: Career matching tool and job finder

careersbox.co.uk: Films, News and Information

careerpilot.org.uk: Compare career salaries