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New Barn SChool

Post 16

The Post 16 department focuses on promoting independence, resilience and self-sufficiency amongst our pupils, through practical experiences based on life and vocational skills.

The curriculum is individually tailored and differentiated to reflect and meet the individual needs, skills and interests of the learners. This bespoke approach allows learners to explore different sectors to establish where their interests lie and how they could turn this passion into job opportunities.

The learner’s progress is recognised and celebrated through achieving a nationally accredited certificate that is relevant to their skills to help assist them into college, apprenticeships or work, preparing our learners for adult life.

BTEC Qualification Structure

Within each level students can achieve:


  • Diploma (High)
  • Extended Certificate
  • Certificate
  • Award (Low)


Each level is based on a specific amount of guided learning hours and units learners need to complete.



BTEC Level 3 Nationals

(A Level equivalent)



BTEC Level 2 Firsts

(High grade GCSE equivalent)



BTEC Level 1 Introductory

(Low grade GCSE equivalent)


The above step by step structure allows the student to progress at their own pace and focuses on growing skills for learning, employment and adult life regardless of their ability.

BTECs are vocationally-related qualifications, where learners develop knowledge and understanding by applying their learning and skills in a work-related context.

They are effective because they engage learners to take responsibility for their own learning and to develop skills that are essential for the modern-day workplace. These skills include: team working; working from a prescribed brief; working to deadlines; presenting information effectively; and accurately completing specific sector tasks and processes.

BTECs motivate learners and open doors to progression to further study and responsibility in the workplace. Alongside A Levels, BTEC Nationals are the most widely-recognised qualification for admission to higher education or employment. They are level 3 vocational qualifications that provide specialist, work-related learning across a range of sectors. BTEC Nationals are designed to equip students with the specialist knowledge, practical skills and understanding they need to progress along their chosen learning and career paths.

Choice of subject can be dependent and bespoke to the students’ interests and goals.

As well as an academic pathway, the Post 16 curriculum offers a carefully planned curriculum that covers 5 key areas of learning:

  • Functional Learning
  • Independent Living
  • Accessing the Community
  • Moving into Adult Life
  • Developing Leisure and Social Skills

Special focus is given to supporting our young people into employment by accessing a wide range of work placements and work experience opportunities.

Post 16 Subjects

As well as BTECs, learners will be given the opportunity to take GCSE Maths and English and Functional Skills English and Maths.

Potential BTEC subjects P16 can offer are:

BTEC Level 1 Introductory

BTEC Level 2 Firsts

BTEC Level 3 Nationals

Art and Design

Art and Design

Applied Human Biology

Applied Science

Applied Science

Applied Science


Beauty Therapy

Art and Design

Caring for Children


Art and Design Practice

Digital Media

Children’s Care, Learning and Development

Beauty Therapy

Health and Social Care

Children’s Play, Learning and Development



Countryside and Environment

Children’s Care, Learning and Development


Creative Digital Media Production

Children’s Play, Learning and Development

Land-based Studies

Creative Media Production


Performing Arts

Health and Social Care

Countryside Management

Public Services


Creative Digital Media Production


Information and Creative Technology

Creative Media Practice


Information Technology

Creative Media Production



Enterprise and Entrepreneurship


Performing Arts

Environmental Sustainability


Public Services




Forensic and Criminal Investigation


Travel and Tourism

Health and Social Care






Information Technology









Music Performance



Music Technology



Performing Arts



Performing Arts Practice



Personal and Business Finance



Production Arts



Public Services






Sport and Exercise Science



Sport and Outdoor Activities



Sport, Fitness and Personal Training



Sporting Excellence and Performance



Sports Coaching and Development



Travel and Tourism



Uniformed Protective Services