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New Barn SChool

Creative Arts (Music, Art)


Our Music Curriculum is designed to be ambitious and individualised, focused on the skills needed to develop knowledge and understanding. In addition to sensory exploration being of high importance, expectations of learning valuable life skills, expression and style and mastery are consistently strived for. Through a broad and balanced variety of units, a wide range of genres, themes and cultures are explored. New Barn School uses the Music National Curriculum as a framework to ensure breadth of structure however planning is heavily adapted to meet the special educational needs and interests of our pupils Alongside the tailored approaches to accessing Music, a continuous emphasis on sensory enjoyment is very much considered and apparent on a regular basis in the subject and its lessons. 

Pupils experience the opportunity to create their own, as well as cover existing pieces, of music; they are able to explore their ideas and recording experiences through reflections. Knowledge and skills involving how to identify instruments, understanding where different genres have derived from and a knowledge of artists and composers are gradually developed. Pupils will be working toward the goal of eventually understanding basic music theory and (where appropriate) performing a piece of music. Pupils have the opportunity to access Music not only through their timetabled lessons, but also through Lunch Time Music Club and Personal Development Activities on a Friday afternoon. Music is now being offered as a GCSE subject at New Barn. 


At New Barn School Art, Craft and Design is a fundamental part of pupil’s self-expression, personal development and confidence to communicate through visual processes. Informed by the National Curriculum with students in years 10 and 11 studying the AQA Art GCSE.

Pupils experience a broad range of projects inspired by artists, designers, craftspeople and cultures. Through a variety of media such as:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Textiles
  • Printmaking 
  • Photography

Students are encouraged to individualise their artwork to tailor to their own interests in the topic, recording their ideas and experiences through sketchbook practice. A key part of Art is discussing an artist’s work, interpreting and understanding artistic style and creating a personal fully realised response. 

Please click this link to find our presentation, celebrating an overview of work the students have produced in the department this year.